Saturday, April 19, 2014

New Day on the PT 19Apr14

Enjoy By with Kala capped a fine day on the PT. Flows were substantially up >400cfs today which made wading much more challenging but surely spread the fish out to the structures throughout the river. I recognized no hatches to speak of due to the increased flows on the day but I still did fine catching big rainbows when dropping tiny bugs directly in feeding lanes upstream from Valco parking. I only landed about 50% of the fish hooked up - causes were probably both my one-handed fishing and the heavy flows. The bummer was that right as I was planning to leave at 5pm I hooked a really big golden colored rainbow and fought her for 20min but she never seemed to tire (though I sure did)... I ultimately lost her with yet another mighty twitch and run. There were others with lost rigs, rock breakoffs and more. But the day was sublime... I caught two in a row in one structure which was then fished by a falcon who swooped down and snagged a 14'er right next to me - so cool. Here are some of the bigger ones... most over 16" and some over 19" today... all really healthy and strong. Springtime in the Rockies... Colorado is so cool.

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