The water was running pretty high and was off color. Probably due to recent rains and some run-off, so I wasnt expecting an epic fishing day, but we managed to net a half dozen 10-12 inch browns and I caught one nice rainbow before the rain really started. I did well on a BH Hares Ear and Nick caught his on a rather large BHPT.
We had to hide out under a rock for about 30 minutes as the rain/hail/lightning chased us off the river, and pretty much ended our day early in the afternoon, but its an amazing canyon. Looks much like Cheesman/11 mile canyons but much bigger vistas, plus the burned trees give it a surreal feel.
Plus you really feel like you are in the wilderness, barely any sign of another person and we only saw one other family in a Jeep on the road.
Nice - good huddling in cave, men.