Saturday, May 31, 2014

Wildcat Canyon 30May14

Nick and I took a trip to Wildcat canyon via Metberry Gulch. It requires a pretty good 4x4 to get in there. I was in 4 low for most of the drive as there are several pretty good obstacles to get over. Took us about an hour after leaving pavement shortly past Divide CO to get down to the So Platte. The views on the drive in are incredible most of the drive is in the Hayman burn area, but boy is it greening up.

The water was running pretty high and was off color. Probably due to recent rains and some run-off, so I wasnt expecting an epic fishing day, but we managed to net a half dozen 10-12 inch browns and I caught one nice rainbow before the rain really started. I did well on a BH Hares Ear and Nick caught his on a rather large BHPT.

We had to hide out under a rock for about 30 minutes as the rain/hail/lightning chased us off the river, and pretty much ended our day early in the afternoon, but its an amazing canyon. Looks much like Cheesman/11 mile canyons but much bigger vistas, plus the burned trees give it a surreal feel.
Plus you really feel like you are in the wilderness, barely any sign of another person and we only saw one other family in a Jeep on the road.

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