Friday, January 22, 2016

BC Ski Analysis Finished 22Jan16

Over the past week I've demoed a number of outfits/combinations for BC/steel-edge skiing to engender envy amongst snowshoers... or at least go downhill faster than them. I've ridden the 112 sbound Fischer mated to Alpina 1550 boots out toward Buffalo Mtn; I've sported Rossi X5s on the flats at Gold Run (@ Breck).  I've donned the Rossi BCX6 on Rossi BC 70s ('cause they didn't have the 90s in my length) at Gold Run up Prospector Loop.  I've visited Frisco Nordic twice in disappointment. I've tried the Alpina Alaska (@Wilderness Sports) and other sizes of Rossi BC5XOs and BC6s (at Epic/Wildemess Outlet) on at retail. I've consulted with the master James Kahkoska on gear fit, gear weight, ski width and all that. I seek off track, downhill-worthy, light BC gear for doing the forest trails in Summit... yea, the best all-around for everything but not AT or tele weight slogging 'cause I have that. Busting out for 20 miles in a sweat in both cold & snowing and warm & clear conditions is telling. I conclude for me that the Rossi BC6 (NNN-BC) boot with Rottefella NNN-BC Magnum manual binding on Fischer sbound 98 skis (with Easy Skins) will be the best for me. The lacing on the X6 loosens in 1/2 hr but comfort and weight are worth the stop when I feel it. I'll begin my search but sense the whole setup will run $500 lest I can find my sizes used on eBay. The Fischers are new but seen on Internet for $250; Magnum's are $80 and boots are ~$150. I'll likely sell the Liberty Gnome alpine pontoons to cover the new buy (lest any of you wanna try these super fun gunboats) - I just don't use them enough. It's been a blast actually trying the BC skis but my techniques both up and down surely need improvement. The forest trails were absolutely best despite some speed and comfort in the track and on the groomed trail.... I did step out of the tracks for most of the hikes for a righteous compare. I lost 4# net from my head alone, which was cookin' even without a hat - sheesh. I gotta say though it was easier than fatbiking these trails. I was rewarded with the latest Enjoy By, a delicious unfiltered Stone IPA.


  1. Awesome. You know I have the Rossi BX70 boots with the BC70 skis mounted with Rottefella NNN-BC bindings. All up I'm in for $300 by buying on eBay and Sierra Trading Post outlets.

    So what were your favorite trails so far (I've done only Peru Creek)

    1. Those X7 boots were cool too... a bit more stout. I have gone only in the Nordic ski areas and into the EN Wilderness as the pic above shows but that trail was clearly my fav and how I guided my final buy. Final gear is a smidge modified from above indication. For ~6 ounces more per leg I did choose Alpina Alaska boots and Fischer S-Bound 112 skis (vs 98). I won't be in tracks so the width will help with downhill and turning sidecut. These booth are a smidge beefier for downhill driving and fit me just a bit better than the Rossis. Now I really have to work on both out (kick-glide) and down (tele turn) techniques now.


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