Jim & I headed out to 11 Mile Canyon for our first outing there this season. It sucked... we each probably snagged and lost one fish but featured no other hits. Except me, with 30mph winds I caught plenty of streamside brush. The river was cold and I could see some fish deep but there was not a lot of feeding or breeding activity, despite hundreds of massive redds. Others didn't have "luck" either - I guess we are a week away from strong fishing out there. We left early and hit the Silverthorne tailwater section of the Blue a bit in the afternoon. We fished from I70 to the dam and hit the Cop Hole as well, but with equally weak returns. Can the fish really feel the impact of a new low pressure front?
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Rivers & Mountains With Yoho 29Mar21-30Mar21
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Flows Are Up On The PT And A Gear Deal 25Mar21
After a foot of snow and a redo on my root canal I had to lay low for a couple days. It did turn nice today though so I lit out for the Arkansas River tailwater section @ Nature Center. Flows have been jacked by 3.5X to about 225cfs - great flows and manageable. Decent outing with medium-sized cutbows but it was crowded in the lots and on the river and the spawn is still "full on." Only one other team was having success really after chatting with some fisherman at parking. Mine were again on the #22 and #24 Awesome Midge. Little bug sign today and no mayflies yet really as water was cold from snowfall & chill spell. The bite was not on in full as the fish are adjusting to the new flows - it soon will be with a warm snap occurring starting now and the flows apparently holding. The Rodfather AllBlacks was useful with the fighting butt used as the 19"er took me pretty far downstream.

Monday, March 22, 2021
Streamer Gear Update 22Mar21
With off season research into streamer fishing, especially reading "Modern Streamers for Trophy Trout" from Linsenman & Galloup, watching a bunch of Galloup videos, and discussing the schemes with GLehmann, I am trying to up my game from "backup method" to "goto technique," 'cause the big fish want big meals.
Part of the yield for this season is also a gear change at streamer leader/tippet... I am not planning to "swing" woolly buggers like food but incite strikes as intruders. Slam it and jerk/strip it like a demon. I'll use not only a fast full sinking line of the right weight as described above (to bring the fake bait down & level) but I'm switching to just a three foot leader/tippet rig. I'm using a 1' leader of 20# and a 2' tippet of 12# flouro. Fortunately my fav Japanese tippet manufacturer, released in the US as TroutHunter, just released "Big Game" reels so I've just made up a bunch of the mega rigs ready to go. I'm just going with perfection loop to line and a triple surgeons to tippet. Flouro is great for draggin' over and around rocks... and disappearing.
Coupling new awareness and casting greatness from the updated rig, to the streamer class I took 2 years ago, are some other planned keys. I know #0 from years of hunting the bigs: know the water, cast to fish haunts, like transitions. Else, relative to a streamer attack, are: #1 go beyond the simple strip retrieve... add fishiness to fake bait: do the jerk and the jig, and #2 know your local flies: sculpins, crawfish, baitfish & fry and rotate colors till the bite.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Slamming Summit With Wilkes 19Mar21-20Mar21
Tom & Leslie came to the Nest for the weekend. We all have 2 jabs done and enjoyed some time inside & outside. Night one I served a tasty new Dew Hope cocktail of honeydew, cucumber, mint, lemon and gin. I exposed Leslie to the Nest Theater and some music she liked while Tom & Kala solved the world's issues. The weather was pure spring sunshine at Keystone on Fri where Wilks & I slammed down 30Kft of vert via all the mountains. It was Tom's "one day per season" to ski and being a frugal guy he loves getting his fill on that day. The sun made it very enjoyable and very spring-like conditions. But again, we were there early enough for the crispies and stayed long enough to ski the base of mountain slush.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Customizing Solomon S/Max Ski Boots At Home 17Mar21
While I had a great day in the tree and on Black Hawk, for the 1st time this season, my new S/Max ski boots made my feet numb in 8 runs.
I contemplated alternatives and did the dive on how to customize my boots at home. None of the great sites recommend heating these liners and customizing them. It seems this might just wear them down and take out some life. The recommendation is really just to ski them and they'll break is after several outings. Hmmm... but OK. These boots also have a graphite 3D core for a shell and are themselves customizable. The technical manual doesn't advise the home method but when do I listen to rules - they are guidelines. The center of the material must reach 176° F to deform well. So here's what I did... I preheated the oven for 200° and removed the liners from the shells. I then heated the shells in the oven for 10 minutes, during which time I assembled two 2" deep ice baths (to rapidly cool the boots after customization. I left the footbeds in the bottom of the shells while I cooked them - Solomon recommends that.Sunday, March 14, 2021
Gettin' Real With Eggs - Tying Otter's Milking Egg 14Mar21
I've now long used and prefer "squirmy worm" material to tie aquatic worms. My favorite is my two-toned Obi-wan variant of the San Juan worm. I randomly read of Otter's Milking Egg pattern, attended by some praise. It uses a similar gummy material for the egg as do squirmy worms. In search I found the exact team/company, in Denver, who innovated the tie, and bought the materials directly from them. I decided to go whole hog and tied the egg with a yolk/seed mimic as well as milking around the egg. Here I describe the tie with pics along with some tips for easing the task. First the finished egg.
I first pierced the gummy egg with a fine knitting needle at the spot where I'd plucked it from its string. Stay aware of the location of this piercing as you then need to set the red bead on the needle and use it to insert the bead into the egg. This is the fumbliest part of the whole tie ~ I dropped too many beads or they popped right back out. When done set this assembly aside with the egg still on the needle as you need to know that pierce location later.
UPDATE 31Mar21... This is a field trial update as I've now used this "bug" on multiple outings. I need to make the milking Antron tighter to the egg on the top as it ten bunch into a single multi-threaded strand around the side and really appear just flowing out the back. Else, looks yummy and casts fine.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Back On The Spawn 10Mar21
Before snow-ma-geddon and 2nd jab jitters make it to the Front Range I hit the PT again. I awoke thinking 11 Mile but the 25° temperature difference sent me south. I still received a full onslaught of winds though - typically 20+ mph today - think wind knots and resultant rerigging, and streamers in your face. I ran the same play of midges in the AM and spey practice in the PM. Caught some nice fish on the Awesome Midge, including a fat 17"er, 18" escape artist, and a longer 19"er, among others. The cutbows are wild on the redds and it was difficult finding fish to cast toward. Gorgeous day again.
Here's a vid of some action on the redds - if you can dig it...
In the afternoon, beyond getting whapped in the head with a cast, I did raise my spey casting success to ~20%. Plenty of work to do but my butt repair is solid. Man, when you do hit the spey cast right it can really cover some water. I got to 20% success by mimicking a lacrosse toss with my bottom hand-upper hand levering motion. Work to do but the rod feels sweet when I hit the note.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Alpha Male, Shit Spey Casts, Broken Butt And Two Flats 08Mar21
I hit the PT again today with intentions of fishing with flies (OK, the Awesome Midge) in the AM and then learning the spey cast with the Rodfather THMS in the field in the PM. On the 1st count, well done - I caught a number of fish on midges, mainly the Awesome, but the vinyl in grey too, on an overcast AM out of Nature Center. I did have a big fish day by landing a 20" alpha male from one of the of holes I could fish (due to crowdation). Awesome catch as I downsized to the Rodfather Cutthroat 9' 4wt. The SA Anadaro head flew through the guides and retrieve on the Redington Rise was smooth like butter. I'lll show just the a couple but a decent morning... messed up some of the pics, that's why there aren't more big broadsides
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Lax Is Back And So Is Lehigh 06Mar21
Mid February the '21 college lacrosse season started on time so it seems that a full season will be played. This year my alma mater Lehigh is ranked for the first time in a while. Today they bested their nemesis in the Patriot League, Loyola, 10-6 for the first time in school history. Woohoo... bring on Army & Navy.
Friday, March 5, 2021
New 'Bows On A Field Trial & New Boots 05Mar21