Friday, January 14, 2022

CoWW Commradarie & Competition 14Jan21

For 2022 I propose a new scheme to get us out and together (or not, if rejected), this whether we get to fish together or not. I’ve designed & made three bracelets: black, red and blue, in leather with trout medallions. I propose they be awarded at a conveyance at each quarters' end in 2022 to the best fish (aka biggest), most fish, and many different rivers/lakes fished (really many different “spots” so Deckers and 11 Mile count as 2 and five trips to Mohawk Lk count as 1). I say big is black, most is red, and spots is blue. These will be awarded “per quarter” and evidence is required; stories are good but you know… I won’t go so far as to suggest time-stamped, GPS-tagged, properly-scaled with marks and images therefrom are needed - but they’d be the best. Images for big are required.

So, in April, whoever catches a 10# tailing redfish, will likely get the coveted black bracelet that quarter ~ that is unless Andy finds a pond full of genetically altered beasts on St Andrews, to which he garnered private access. At first I thought we should award for triples (3 species from same river on the same day) too, despite how rare they are in the wild, but again Andy has been dealt a pejoratively great hand with the fertile waters of Trout Ck at his call ~ though I’ve not caught a pure cutthroat there. The place I’ve scored the most triples is Gore Ck, once or twice annually for the last several years, but 11 Mile Canyon is another haunt for such pursuits. I've never caught a home run. I might do a triples bracelet as I have one more medallion, but to start they will just make great fish stories. Triples would be different as the winner holds the bracelet until the next (rare) triple is posted, if ever.

I believe COS-based, or pre-hurricane ~ post-redfish Texas, or Summit co, or Chaffe co breweries should lead as the quarterly target venues. Location should be based on local fishing conditions at the time of course, and/or new brewery openings. Points for best fish or spots might be awarded for travel effort; democratic voting will be respected (right now there are 9 voters: DD, GL, JY, RH, SB, AH, RP, MD & me) though when guests attend and offer evidence of fish, they drink and vote too. EoQ in-person would normally be the plan in my mind, though zoom could supplant at least in part so we can dial in RH & SB (for their pond fish or other mid-western offers, and gather their vote). We could even wager, but ya’ll might be put off by my planned, expected, and consistent out-performances (that’s for you MD). The CoWW cannot go lamely into the sweet night, despite C19.

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