Friday, May 1, 2020

Ark With GL & Browns On The Blue 30Apr20-01May20

Greg and I were able to get some time on the middle Arkansas River. We started  @ Lone Pine and caught some. Flows were fine at ~250cfs but viz was bad. Fishing was slow except Gregger caught a nice one on his Iron Sally stone.
We moved up to Rincon next and caught some more. A massive caddis hatch happened as did a mayfly hatch. We worked the mayflies hardest, as did the fish it seemed. The water was clearer. I muffed the pics so just one smaller one...
We dined and then hit Salida East (Chaffe Co Line) and ran the normal play. I caught nada but GL called it the best spot of the day as he was weaponized with Purple Reign modified for the BWOs on teh Ark (they are purple) and caught plenty. I did not catch another fish,but was fishing shallow near bank, and left for Silverthorne. Thanks Greg.

On Friday I headed (too) early to Jurassic Pk section of the Blue. Flows were ~250cfs, so fine, but water is still very cold despite the warm day. Action started @ 11am and I caught some decent smallerish but colorful browns like these 16" & 17"ers and left early on a very crowded day in this remote area. I did find a dead boat though. Sheesh.

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