Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Grand County "Drive," Tomahawk Stop, F2F CoWW HH & My Iron Sallies 03May20-05May20

Well as a friend said, "I can't wait for when work and movies and dining out restarts so our guests will leave 'our' backcountry." I headed to Williams Fk in Grand Co but arrived to see ~24 cars in the lot - this for ~2 miles of water... I left. I headed up to Muddy Ck, also in Grand Co, and again I faced more cars than I ever have for this small stretch of tailwater. I headed to the river but did nothing and saw many folks. At least the drive back provided a keen image of the Gore Range & Green Mtn.
Given the crowds I headed back to COS the back way and stopped at lower Tomahawk where again I faced big crowds, often dominated by new fisher-persons. Wow. I fished a hour and did nothing and then left... there was little fish-sign or bug-sign anyway.
We held the weekly CoWW VHH actually F2F with a Huckleberry Sour chosen excellently by VeloFishMan Greg. No pics but we had a blast socially distanced on my deck. I did received Iron Sally materials and tied some. Gr8 pattern for the Ark and possibly downstream on the Blue. I used the Hopper Juan variant with scud back - gotta love those legs no matter what.

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