Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Brewhouses Are Open & We Enjoyed 16Jun20

Kala and I headed to COS from the central mtns "the back way" today. GR8 day. We stopped at ORB through Frisco for the 2nd time this recent outing to Summit. Last time we were dubious as the seating was all downstairs inside - we did cans with a boon - two months of pickup on the Summit Club. Today though - the place was way open, it's huge and beautiful. The upper deck can not be bested 'xcept for my own deck. They've been serving more west coast bitters, OK by me.
It was slow over Hoosier behind some heavy stuff but on the flat & straight lanes I was able to pass through So Park. It was hot as we entered El Paso and needed "dinner." Our 2nd fav brewhouse is Cerberus in COS - too they have gr8 bar food. We hit our 2nd brewery "open for me" today and it was awesome. Go - they have their shit together with distance, outside seating, and, yeah - it's Cerberus. We enjoyed the brews and of course lamb sliders and grilled cheese brisket - in addition to Arlo, a hazy collaboration and fine sunshine, though we scored position A in the yard with perfect shade.

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