Monday, December 4, 2023

Runs & Funs With Bro Brown 04Nov23

Steve & I hit the Key for some surprisingly nice runs today ~ a quick 15K of vert across the entirety of sparsely opened hills. We even lapped Motzart a bit, the left side of which is still closed. Gorgeous sunny day with minimal wind and trees still plump with snow. No rope drops this day.

The topper was the best though as Bro Brown drove and brought some beers and chairs for an apres ski outing on the Peru access "beach." Take that ABay... it was free and we were close up in the seniors section. :)
Of course we had Last Chance 'Za via Cove & Craft on the way back and enjoyed an evening of tunes & totties. For dinner I made chicken tika masala. Music included an eight song dive on Harvest Moon covers ~ best was probably AJ Lee w/ the Comatose Bros.

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