Sunday, February 25, 2024

February Music Appreciation ~ Late In The Month With A Fire On The AFA, There's Stuff I Like 25Feb24

I don't know how to categorize this amalgamation... so, I won't. For starters, while we weren't evacuated from Peregrine, we did see and smell the fire on the USAFA a couple miles from us. It was a madhouse in Perigrine for a bit... everybody wanted to see. We did not want to be evacuated again ~ though M&E did call from I25 to see if we were alive. We packed some stuff but ultimately said: "Fuck it, let it burn, let's have a beer." We met our close neighbors S&P at Red Leg for some pops ~ yeah, it was a decent observation point as well. We saw the smoke dissipate and headed home but WTF, it's only February!

On to the show; it's super eclectic...

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