Thursday, February 22, 2024

WTF, Errors In The 'Hood ~ Then Cleared 22Feb24

We made it to COS safe, to encounter a rage of errors. Sure, the garage door opened, but opening the fridge was to expose an exploded fermented lemonade ~ which popped a glass 2 qt vessel into the fridge and drain onto the oak flooring. Bummer clean up, and weeks of adjusting the hardwood to level. I need water to clean ~ so nearby spigot,  nope. The hose connector on the kitchen faucet broke off squirting H2O under the sink. Sheesh. I cleaned that up too and pulled stuff from under there; I cleaned up the massively exploded 2 qt jug. I observed the fault under the sink. I went to the Crusher Too to head to the hardware store for an esoteric part (long shot). Nope, dead main battery. While re-charge is brought online I'll check the spa; WTF it's acid. Dumped the acid and refilled with water. Dunno, what's the message, don't leave home? At least I came to understand Mipso even more deeply.

Plus North Carolinians must understand dynamic range, and don't over-compress their offers. Thanks.

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