Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Stellar Day In 11 Mile With Yoho 24Apr24

Jim & I made a mostly last minute fly fishing trip to the S Platte in 11 Mile Canyon. The PT is still raging 700cfs so we altered out target. It was a gorgeous day, though the sun brought the pollen out heavily. We arrived pretty early and were fishing by 9am but the water was cold and fishing was slow till 10:30am or so. Too, despite early arrival, there were already 25 cars in the canyon and key spots up top were already occupied. From 11am to 3pm, when we finally quit, fishing was awesome. We even saw a mayfly hatch about 2pm and we caught our 1st fish of the year on mayflies in the canyon and Jim caught risers on a dry. Else the best bugs for me were the cinnamon colored midges and the bigger slabs hit the milking salmon egg I use as attractor. I even caught a couple on the oil can Perdigon in the faster water in the PM. Whoa what a great day out there. I haven't recently counted so closely but at the end the day I'd landed 20 nice cutbows mostly 16"-18" with the largest just 19", but all were very healthy, including some nice colorful slabs. The Rodfather Diamond Blaze served mightily. No brownies though. Plenty of activity on the spawning redds... I observed one guy looting the redds and while I thought to chastise, I didn't.

We stopped at Red Leg to commemorate, dine, and enjoy the vibe there. The Lobstah Shack dinner was very good. Thanks Jim.

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