Sunday, April 21, 2024

Wierdest Day On The Ark ~ A Tripple The Hard Way 21Apr24

Yeah, I got nabbed in Canon City for speeding... it was almost a sheepish stop at just 10 over and he even said, "have a better day." Grrr. Super foggy coming out of COS and even on 115 toward the Arkansas River Valley, but then it cleared OK. Jim & I met GL at Pinnacle Rock for a run at the caddis hatch, which I'd heard had entered lower Big Horn Sheep Canyon. Well, it had... even though Jim & I only saw the leftovers on the banks' brush from the day prior, as we left early, Greg said the canyon was full of 'em by the end of the day on the drive home. Jim & I both used Rodfather 4 weight weaponry. We caught our fill for sure on this ultimately decent day in BHSC. It got windy and cool in the PM however. I had only fished here once per year on the last several feeling it still hadn't recovered from the Hayden fire. It has now, I had a gob of fish on one pass at 400cfs and while none were large, it was fun and encouraging. The weirdest part is that I caught 1/3 rainbows, not Jim though, and GL caught 80% 'bows! I also felt they were the larger and stronger of the catch. Everything we caught was on mayflies as well ~ for me a black ice Perdigon, MHFBPT, or DCEZWD40 and for GL an Anato mayfly. It's good that lower BHSC is back as before this, driving out to the Ark meant a 2 hr one way jaunt. I can fish it again!

I made a full pass and above the boat ramp there's an island which I used for my return. There I surprised a duck on their nest of eggs; it was cool and I went a long way around. I also caught a sucker to cap my ugly triple for the day.
No pics with Greg as he was hiding as we left. Fun outing on the Ark, especially now knowing the lower BHSC has recovered, with rainbows no less. Jim & I got back to town for stellar tastes at Jax with our lady friends...

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