Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Brisk Day For Fresh & Fast @ Keystone 06Mar18

We've had a couple of days of a couple of inches of snow in Summit. I didn't brave the -4° and 20mph wind yesterday but did get out this morning for a quick 20Kft of vert at Keystone. I went early and grabbed what fresh lines I could but it was 4" on top of very hard-packed stuff, often ice, in many spots so conditions were variable. Dropping into moguls with 12" at the bottom and then scraping across the fronts on ice was at times dicey. It was sunny with bright blue skies and yet 20, so outstanding weather really; now it's 40° and all melting down. I chose the early selfie versus the full icicle one. Too, a decent iPhone shot of the Gore and Dillon Rez.

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