Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Just Some Patience And Someone Who Ties An Awesome Midge 21Mar18

Back on the PT today despite a 22° departure. I did jack out of Nature Center in the AM. I almost left Pueblo but decided to relocate to Valco Ponds St Pk area for lunch and try again. I saw nothing in the AM; I saw no bug sign and the river was cold; my feet were cold; the flows were up to ~600cfs. Sheesh. I am glad I stayed however as I did well in the PM around 2pm. The river had warmed even upstream and I was quickly into a number of fish after lunch - I might've frustrated my "hole-mate" as I landed two and he moved on. It's still not "on" but I did land some 18"-19" bows and missed others. Weird I caught no males - the ladies are fat and full of eggs. The Awesome Midge did all the damage today. I saw no BWO signs yet here and very few, very tiny midges. Excited to be out. I have to figure out how to upload bigger movies but for now, here are some screen shots...
I uploaded a decent resolution version of the vest-cam movie of the outing to Vimeo; click the image below to open the link and use the password GR8F1sh to access it.
PT Fishing Movie

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