Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sennheiser HD 650 & Vandamme Balanced Cable Set Massdrop Unveiling 20Mar18

Clean and flat with great range; they are super light and much easier to drive than my planar magnetics... my Massdrop Sennheiser HD 650 dynamic headphones, and the associated Vandamme (more typically a musical instrument cabling supplier) balanced cable set were delivered (early) today! I am auditing them now and will provide a full "unboxing experience." If anyone is concerned about Massdrop vs Sennheiser branded HD 650s - I can say don't be; there is no difference but color and markings. They are taking their rightful spot in COS as my reference dynamic headphones. I'm even able to properly correct equalization with the "standard" HD 650 correction curve - awesome. I call these a spectacular value at "only" $250 for the cans and balanced cable.
Ok, full truth time, and heartening truth at that. The HD 650s are keen (they are the best I've heard <$1K) but can't compete with my Ether C Flows. The speed and definition of my closed PMs can't be beat - I hear each instrument more clearly and cleanly, all the transients seem in tact whereas on the Sennheisers, relatively, I get a bit lost in the upper mids and highs - especially if I don't listen pretty loud. Still, no regrets on Massdrop or owning these - I call them even to the AKG 702s to my ear, when corrected and cranked to 11.
The one criticism I'd have is not about sound or build quality of either the cans or the cable set - but it is about the junction of the two. It appears that the connectors to the headphones on the cables do not seat completely flush to the earpieces. The stock cabling showed a cleaner mating. I can probably correct it with a scalpel or a Dremel tool but I also could goof it up and it does not affect stellar sonic performance... meh.

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