Thursday, March 22, 2018

More On MQA... Debunked 22Mar18

I've continued to study, through others' works, MQA as alternative "high quality" format and scheme for music production. Recent work here demonstrates MQA can actually be detrimental to fine audio reproduction in that it introduces significant filtering artifacts. The article also takes on what is likely the core reason for Meridian even birthing MQA - as a scheme to control, with potentially deleterious effects, music content and quality thereof. I'm out! I've got great quality from my current Schiit stack and FLAC files and nobody is controlling me. It's time to sell the Meridian Explorer 2 DAC and end the experiment... I don't use it anyway.
Great news - I sold my ME2 DAC on eBay for full asking price - woohoo.

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