Monday, April 2, 2018

It's On! 02Apr18

On this warm spring day I hit the PT again and caught many good fish. While flows were >600cfs and wading was a bit sketchy, I did see plenty of bug sign including a good #20 BWO hatch. I imitated the BWOs subsurface with my cobalt glass-beaded FOD and a flashy RS2... the FOD did the damage. The Candy Cane and Awesome midges worked as well. I caught a nice 21" male at the first diamond upstream from Valco - St Pk parking. There was a nearby guy by whom I was able to get a picture taken. I lost a number of fish too including one guy who took most of my rig after a full 8 minutes of fight. Click through to the movie with password GR8F1sh.
It's On Movie

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