Friday, April 20, 2018

Movers & Shakers, Betasso Preserve, Degas And Fire 20Apr18

Kala and I came to Boulder for some days with our buddies the Wilkes. We went to Movers & Shakers in support of Denver Art Museum and enjoyed 7 custom cocktails matched to 7 appetizers. Very good and very bad in cases. Winner for me was Hawino made with beet-infused vodka, with Boulder Mango in 2nd... ginger sure must be "a thing" in totties these days; I admit they were tasty.

Wilks & I got out for a ride this morning on a cool trail near Boulder called Betasso Preserve. Fun but a bit chilly preceding the storms. I biffed once pretty humorously - GoPro catches everything - timing was good as a some of the trail had exposure despite its relatively rolling nature.
We hit the Degas exhibit at the DAM - good but there are many more pieces I've seen in France... still worthy. Kala was unimpressed however with the need to take a selfie with him.
Afterward we hit Fire for some good cocktails and dinner with Brian & Lisa.

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