Thursday, April 19, 2018

Tying Destiny's Child (Dave's FOD) 19Apr18

With the BWO hatch in full swing I thought I try my hand at tying instructions for the #1 BWO nymph imitation for me on tailwaters. Destiny's Child is a derivative of the O'Grady's FOD (Fly of Destiny) and differs is several respects - bead, colors and the addition of legs.

The recipe for Destiny's Child is
  • #18-#22 2487 hook
  • 70 grey-brown UTC UltraThread
  • Head: cobalt glass bead
  • Tail: 8-10 pheasant tail fibers
  • Body: thread ribbed with XS copper wire
  • Thorax: mixed ice dub of 2/3 callebeatis, 1/3 olive and a smidge of UV purple
  • Wing Casing: pheasant tail fibers pulled over top
  • Legs: pheasant tail fibers split and tied in pulled down
Select and prepare ingredients...
pheasant tail feather - use left side w/o brown tips
mixed ice dub with callebaetis & olive
gray-brown 70 denier ultra thread
copper XS ultra wire
cobalt glass beads & TMC 2487 hooks
Here we go...
place bead on hook and into vice
select 8-10 PT fibers - strip perpendicular from rachis/rib
to get even - set length on hook equal to shank
tie in fibers with three wraps near bead -
then tie in wire with several wraps
wrap materials down length of hook to 1/3-1/2 down bend
build thread body wrapping back forward -
keep thin and build slight taper
wrap wire evenly with ~6-8 turns -
bind in and helicopter off remains
pull remaining PT fibers back and tie over them
to make room for a thorax slightly larger than bead
roll a tube of ice dub mix onto thread -
enough for a thorax slightly larger than bead
wrap thorax dubbing - bring PT fiber wing casing
back to just behind bead and tie in with 2 wraps
separate PT fibers in half and pull down lightly on
each side of the hook and hold for tie in with 2 wraps
whip finish and cut of thread with PT fibers still long -
trim fibers to the length of the gap while pull them down
ta-da - Destiny's Child ready to rock

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