Friday, April 13, 2018

CoWW Spring @ PT (Building Steam on Day 2) 13Apr18

Wind was still a major issue on the Pueblo Tailwater section of the Arkansas this day but the CoWW were building steam as we added GL & Yoho to the mix. Many of us caught many big rainbows - I personally  hit a milestone landing 3 fish over 20" on this day. The BWO hatch is in full swing and the big 'bows are out and rambunctious - meaning accessible to crafty fishermen. RS2s & FoDs were taking big fish as mayflies and zebra & 2 Wire midges were too. Master Fisherman Haine was a bit frustrated regarding his landing efficiency but this too would be remedied. Too I think there was a rising sentiment that some of my success was aided by others tiring fish first or my otherwise snaking catches just ahead of my mates... hmmm... there's an image and a movie below to show the truth.
We built even greater momentum as we headed to Salida and were joined by DD and Wilks @ Amica's for dinner and then Soulcraft for chasers and music. Awesome.
The movie "Snaked from Haine" starring Rob Haine, the aghast one, and Dave Coffin, the snakey one. Use "GR8F1sh" as password.
Snaked From Haine Movie

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