Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Vail Valley Fun With Kala ~ The Gore, The Blue Moose, The Ford Amp With Lindsay Lou 27Aug24

Kala & I had a great time over in Vail Valley today. We both did "work" in the AM and then jumped Vail Pass into Eagle Co for the PM, in spectacular weather. Sure there were construction spots and one lane sections on I70 ~ we don't have many months in which to fix and build roads in the mountains. It was quick enough and we arrived at the Dawg Pk to fish Gore Ck before 1pm.

I took Kala on my normal pass at the Stephen's Park section of the Gore ~ we crossed the creek and trundled through the playground to to the creek to fish from above the road bridge upstream past the walk bridge around the bend to the takeout where the dogs play. I did decently below Kala but she didn't land any despite some great casts into a good channel and other good spots. Most of my fish were on the DCEZWD40, but the chubby turned some up and the Perdigon caught some as well; nothing on the caddis. The Gore is getting thin but there were still plenty of bugs hatching. I used the RFT3 while Kala cast the Bombadeer 4wt.
We changed clothes and hit Lionshead for dinner. It's pizza Tuesday and we didn't know Vail 'za so just chose The Blue Moose; the moose is Bruce and he's not loose BTW. Pizza flavor was OK but the crust was not up to the price we paid in Vail.
We were done in time to leave the car in Lionshead and take the Vail intown bus up to the Gerald Ford Amp for the concert. I don't like having to add Gerald now to assure I get the correct venue ~ without it I get COS or elsewhere in the searches... grrr. Gates were at 5:30pm with the Lindsay Lou free concert starting at 6:30pm. We arrive at 6:10pm and still grabbed 7th row center stage... awesome.
Lindsay Lou brought a band and they were all very good. I recognized all 3 of them from videos I've watched. Lindsay Lou was excellent despite the insufficient vocals in the mix from the sound guy... there's a theme here as this was true the last time I came to the Ford Amp for Hurray For The Riff Raff & Norah Jones. Maybe it's the system but it surely appears great. Kala agreed and also thought the venue was spectacular otherwise. Lindsay Lou did two 45 minute sets ~ a nice offering. Her voice is very strong and sweet and fortunately that came through some of the time. Her writing is personal and that too left impressions. She had a cool sparkly outfit on for the occasion.
Anthony, the lead guitarist, was, as usual, excellent and truly wailed when called on... though his antics are a bit much IMO. He and the percussionist provided nice backing vocals but it was Lindsay's voice that carried the show. He did break a string and still played some sections with just 5 while he was repairing the string... pretty good actually.  We were next to a couple who bought a $90 bottle of wine (in an ice bucket) from concession and then left and gave Kala a half bottle of wine! It wasn't up to the Vail pricing (again) but it was something.
It was a gr8 day in Vail Valley with Kala (thanks for coming out my love). While the sound & pizza could've been better, and fish should've jumped after your bugs, the company was stellar.

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