Sunday, August 4, 2024

Vozs & Brantleys Join For Fun Bluegrass & Beer Fest And More 31Jul24-04Aug24

We had a great day at the very fun Keystone Bluegrass & Beer festival yesterday. We were joined by friends Scott & Peg and Craig & Cyndi for the festival and some evening nosh & nightcaps. The beer were decent all day with most appreciating the effort to bring actual kegs (vs cans) to the event. Though, there was one notable can of Great Pumpkin IIPA from Elysian that we all liked for a change into fall. We do come for the tunes and we were able to move among the stages through the crowds to hear every band who came to play on Saturday. I lost my selfie stick when sitting once so never really got the whole team in a pic after Vozburghs arrived... grrr. And we never connected with Kize. We did build keen pretzel and nosh necklaces to sate us and blunt the beers.

First up on Montezuma was Summit Co local band The Old Fashioned String Band ~ strong opener. Next we caught a fine Denver bluegrass band Magoo on the main stage; all three front men sang strong and harmonized. Kala & I headed to see Windy Pines on the 3rd stage next (again Colorado); I met the leader's parents who'd come from Iowa for the show. Beer didn't start till 1pm... it was hot and we were ready.

Tunes and brews rolled along all afternoon. Next we heard Begley, Mock & Murphy on Montezuma; they offered a decidedly different music, I assume was from Texas or Oklahoma. And then Them Coulee Boys on the Main stage offering a similar sound.
We were again back to bluegrass from a band I knew, Liver Down The River... very good. And we too kept working the liver angle all around the fest. Back on Main right in Keystone River Run Village we closed the afternoon with the excellent Pert Near Sandstone from Minneapolis; they were the best we'd heard all day.

Kala got us home safely as she quit early and despite the buzz from the day we served wine & ribs and salad and more to keep things rolling. We had fun and I got to show off some of my speaker-building handiwork to guests... maybe a little too much showing off. It's of note that before the festival Kala and I drove up and saw the start of the Quarry fire in Ken Caryl on the way. I took Brantleys out for a sail on Dillon Rez on a very tame day ~ we even needed to motor in from the doldrums ultimately. I finally stepped into a new Land Cruiser ~ nice enough but no longer does the model sport a tailgate, a negative.

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